August 30, 2007
“هر آدمي هر جا كه به نفعش باشه تو رو با بقيه مقايسه ميكنه...”
آذين (ره)
August 29, 2007
Something Old & Something New
I thought it'd be different this time around, but in the end it never is. I've stopped my consistent writing for almost a year now. I kept changing notepads, the results were never quite what I was hoping for. And now, weblogs... still no spark. I walked home all the way from work yesterday, taking a path all too familiar (Oh no! Intersection up ahead.) in hopes of some inspiration, some fond memories. I took a longer path home, through our old block, taking in the changes and choking on innumerous emotions, each experienced in countless different ways, over the six years or so I'd spent living there. So surely, you'd think I could come up with something better than THIS... A close friend left last night. Another vaguely asked not to be called again, unless it was urgent. I have to attend a goodbye party tomorrow, a day I knew would come, but never even began to imagine it really happening. Too much is changing, too fast; and yet it's not enough. I feel as though I'm bored, the whole process is being prolonged despite my desire. Nothing, nothing seems good enough, not anymore.
August 24, 2007
عشق را از عَشَقه گرفتهاند و آن گياهيست كه در باغ پديد آيد در بن درخت، اول بيخ در زمين سخت كند، پس سربرآرد و خود را در درخت ميپيچد و همچنان ميرود تا جمله درخت را فرا گيرد و چنانش در شكنجه كند كه نم در ميان درخت نماند و هر غذا كه به واسطهي آب و هوا به درخت ميرسد به تاراج ميبرد تا آنگاه كه درخت خشك شود...
و چون اين شجرهي طيبه باليدن آغاز كند و نزديك كمال رسد، عشق از گوشهاي سر برآرد و خود را درو پيچد تا بجايي رسد كه هيچ نم بشريت در او نگذارد... و شايستهي آن شود كه در باغ الهي جاي گيرد...
شيخ شهاب الدين سهروردي
رسالة في حقيقة العشق
Labels: theatre