August 20, 2010
Confessions of a Tischaholic -1- things I learned in school
weeks 1, 2, and 3.
-how to play (with?) dirty harry.
-Adrian Piper: Cornered
-life is full of awful choices.
-the future creates the past.
-shit can seriously embody the slipperiness of abjection.
-I have to read Yellowface.
-repertoires are so much more fun than archives.
-everyone's traumatized; few of us think it.
-psychoanalysis is about what two people can say to each other if they agree not to have sex.
-Freud's work on mourning and melancholia?fucking. brilliant.
-there's no such thing as boredom -as soon as you start attending to your boredom, you're technically no longer boredom.
-the denial of death compels us to act out death upon others, over and over again.
-psychoanalysis is a modern secular practice in which ghosts are talked to.
-melancholia is knowing who you've lost -yet not realizing what you've lost.
-I too have unconsciously become a mausoleum for objects lost.
-even the past is unsettled by reperformance.
-Barthes' Camera Lucida goes beyond expectations: "death is the eidos of photography" (p. 15). "photography is subversive not when it frightens, repels, or even stigmatizes, but when it is pensive, when it thinks" - "photographs of landscapes must be livable, not visitable" (p. 38)...
-theatre? tableau vivant.
-capitalism is in fact, not as natural as it may seem.
-seriously, what if a commodity could speak?
-I resent being considered a commodity.
-we all need a little bit of "Act UP."
-die-ins? genious.
-"through the media, not to the media."
-Ricardo Montez is one of god's most perfect creations.
-you have to actually experience jam-packed subway trains to understand the desire Keith Haring was alluding to.
-Nelson Sullivan was probably abducted by aliens.
-De Certeau is what I wanna be.
-racial desire is oftentimes sold.
-Dynasty Handbag thinks its cool if we call her Jibz Cameron.
-according to Jibz, "sometimes when people are telling you to be free all the time, it's very controlling."
-Barbara and her son love ponytail.
-Zizek is still an interesting fella, but that's probably all he'll ever be.
-so Lacan (Freud on high-grade cocaine mixed with hallucinogens) thinks that "love is that thing you can't have that you want to give to someone who doesn't want it" -go figure.
-people are still pretty cool with the idea of caging the indigenous as ethnographic specimens for heightened pleasure in their spectatorship.
-thanks to Dan, we all now know that "loving musical theater doesn't make you gay -it just makes you awful."
-you shame, and are shamed.
-lots of times, i can't read my own handwriting.
-what does it mean, to write about something you love?
-"in times of great danger I try to understand which words have no footfall and sorrow apprehends."
-one cane dare to allow for the failure of interpellation.
-"straight" moments in the p.s. may be few and far in between, but they do exist.
-if someone graduates without queer sensibility, i don't think it should count.
-assigning readings from Lacan is considered a form of punishment by most professors.
-best high yet? Shoshana on the seductiveness of Don Juan and J. L. Austin. mmm.
to be continued...
Labels: narcissism, nyc, school, yada yada